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Profile Editor 2.0

Profile Editor 2.0 4,9/5 1007 votes

Edit any of the modules you would like. Your changes are saved as you change which module you're editing. Once you are done, click the 'Generate Code' button to get.

  1. Xbox 360 Profile Editor Download
  2. Profile Editor 2.5
  3. Profile Editor 2.5

Thanks for your patience, we finally shipped out our profile 2.0 layouts yesterday! You can go to our layout editor and click on the Profile 2.0 tab and see how it looks! We are still tweaking with the conversion from 1.0 but here are some points again to note: 1) Network graphics and contact graphics are not supported in 2.0. MySpace took those boxes out so you will need to be creative and find where to use those graphics on other areas of the page! This isn’t a great example, but here’s something you can do: Below is how the tattoo theme layout looks for 1.0 Now this is how it is converted to 2.0 Hmmm.

So it’s kinda boring right? Since there is no contact/network graphics. So what I did was this: A little less boring isn’t it?

I put the network graphic inside the div.basicInfoDetails using advanced CSS in the theme editor. You can use the advance tab and enter your own css in there as we do insert advanced codes in both 1.0 and 2.0. Not all network graphics will work this way though, this example worked because it had a transparent background and was small.

But there are so many things you can try it out so keep experimenting! 2) Tiny layouts ain’t tiny no more in Profile 2.0 – You can make it sort of tiny by going to Myspace’s Profile editor and select the tiniest width. 3) Banner layouts might look weird. We tried to use the exact code we use for Profile 1.0, but if you have a translucent layout and use Firefix, the banner will just disappear for Firefox users.

(not sure if this is a bug or what) So we changed the code a bit so it will show in any browser, but if you had borders, background colors, and repeated somehow, it won’t be carried over. But theme creators can create new graphics just for the 2.0 themes so it will be compatible with both layouts this way! Not really sure the best solution yet, so we will play around a bit more! Update mysql php.

Xbox 360 Profile Editor Download

OK i think there will be more bugs and glitches so let us know and we will try hard to perfect it as much as we can! 10 Hi Erica, in order to put images in the basic info area, go to our theme editor and select the “Advanced” tab. You will see two buttons, one for Profile 1.0 and one for Profile 2.0. Enter the code inside the Profile 2.0 css box. This thread on our forum shows you some code example: HI Stephanie, there are actually so much more freedom on 2.0 compared to 1.0 when it comes to customization.

Profile Editor 2.0

Profile Editor 2.5

Have you seen this site? This shows you the endless possibilities of customizing a layout that has great markup (like myspace 2.0) MySpace 1.0 only let people do certain things because of it’s horrible markup and I was ripping my hair out because I had to do stupid things like table table table td table table. To get things working.

Profile Editor 2.5

Now with classes on each elements, tweaking is so much easier. We are looking into building a theme creator for 2.0 so hope we can give some interesting options to people. Hi Heidi, you can just create a new layout for your blog and click on the “blog” tab once you clicked “save my layout”. 18 Susan I tried the 2.0 and from the moment it started, it has been a big pain! I switch themes often and lots of the themes I have had came from your website. (thanks) I saw the 2.0 on your home page and so before I dump it, I thought I would at least give the new things out there a try.

The way myspace is now (though I think I have it down) its complicated and makes users frustrated, and limits our creativity within the site. I was glad to read tonight that I am not the only one feeling like this. 27 I would only switch to 2.0 if I could use the pics I have on the 1.0 that I picked myself.

I made my own profile and It took ALL day to get it to reflect my personality and I won’t change unless it allows me the freedom to choose pics for back-grounds and colors etc. I never tried 2.0 again cause It scared the H outta me when the page saved itself and I couldn’t switch back!! I didn’t spend all that time making my own frofile for nothin’!


I did figure it out tho (no brainer as specified above) but I’m not gonna risk losing my own personal theme for nothing. Is there a way to transfer my themed pics?

Profile Editor 2.0

I don’t like any of the pre-made profiles available. Yeah I’m picky-I’ll wait for the theme creator mentioned in 10 above before trying again.thanks tho. I know myspace is doing its best and I really enjoy it!! 39 Hi Cool Chaser, Your 2.0 version is a step in the right direction. Creating boxes that extend all the way across the screen from left to right is much better than chopping up the screen space with small boxes. For my purposes, I would request that you make a version of Cool Chaser where ALL of the boxes are this way; (extending across the entire screen, like the advertisments at the top of the page.) This would allow for a cleaner looking page, and would allow wider and larger photos to be displayed. It would make text easier to read and communicate more effectively.

This would look better than choping up the screen space into smaller little boxes. Please create a version for larger, screen spanning boxes. Aaron Wolfson – music artist http//www.myspace.com/aaronwolfson. 43 miss diamonds sorry but coolshace its fuck up! You chanse and chanse but you think really that this gonna be better no it go more badly and worse. It is itself this whay that private solic it no longer private.

” I THOUGHT THAT THIS VIOLATION OF THE PRIVACY WAS ” as you not rapidly do changs this or a solution offers that there mutch will go to that court! And its this what you want! YES, congratulated then because have my vote them already. Have a nice thankgiving. PS, and you do not choke in that turkey!!! 66 Hi, I came here looking for how to turn my “2 friends” text into “2 BILLION friends” because I know NOTHING of CSS.

I’m less than a week new to myspace and found the 2.0 thing to be SO EASY and user friendly. All the stuff for sizing, placement, backgrounds, colors is all easy to change directly in the 2.0 interface. I don’t know why so many people hate it.

Anyway HERE is the answer how to get rid of or change those 3 little pictures in your profile: log in, click on the top menu: PROFILE, EDIT PROFILE, then in the left menu BASIC INFO. Here you will see your pictures, and buttons to REMOVE or CHANGE them. — if anybody knows how to tweak the text so I can have x BILLION friends please send me a message. I did what you said.switched to 2.0didn’t like it went to the “GO BACK” button in the cornerswitched back: Yes, it did save my old layout NO, I cannot still use the 1.0 editor!!!!!!!!!!! Everytime I try to go in and make changes to my profile(for examplei go to “edit profile”) it automatically takes me to the friggin “TRY THE NEW 2.0 profile editor”page!!!!!!! HOW in BLUE BLAZES to I get back to where I can edit my modules and add my own backgroundsetcin 1.0???????????????????????

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