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Internet Explorer 11 Disable Prompt Command

Internet Explorer 11 Disable Prompt Command 3,8/5 5789 votes
  1. Internet Explorer 11 Disable Activex
  2. Command Prompt Internet Options
  3. Windows 10 Disable Command Prompt

This post explains how to disable the Internet Explorer file. I went to the command prompt. 7 with IE 11 browser I want to disable Download Prompt for.

Option 1 – Via Command. Press the “ Start” button, then type “ cmd“. Right-click “ Command Prompt“, then choose “ Run as administrator“. Type reg add “HKCU Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main” /f /v “CheckAssociations” /d “no” /t REGSZ.

Press “ Enter“. Note: If you copy and paste the above command, the quotes might not paste correctly.

Internet Explorer 11 Disable Prompt Command

Type it out if it’s not working or retype the quotes. Option 2 – Via Registry. Hold the Windows Key and press “ R” to bring up the Windows Run dialog. Type “ regedit” then press “ Enter“.

Navigate to:. HKEYLOCALMACHINE. Software.

Internet explorer 11 disable pop-up blocker

Microsoft. Internet Explorer. Main. Set the “ CheckAssociations” value to “ No“.

If you don’t see “ CheckAssociations“, right-click “ Main“, and choose “ New” “ String Value“, and create a new “ CheckAssociations“. Option 3 – Use Group Policy.

Hold the Windows Key and press “ R” to bring up the Windows Run dialog. Type “ gpedit.msc” then press “ Enter“.

The “ Local Group Policy Editor” is displayed. Navigate to “ User Configuration” “ Administrative Templates” “ Windows Components” “ Internet Explorer“.

Internet Explorer 11 Disable Activex

Open the “ Notify users if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser selection“. Set the policy to “ Disabled“, then select “ OK“. Now any user who logs into the computer and uses IE11 will no longer be pestered by the annoying prompt.

Filed Under:, Tagged With:, Reader Interactions. At my new job, I have Windows 8 and IE11. I’ve searched for this answer several times, because stupid IE11 prompted me EVERY TIME I had to open it (some sites don’t work well in Chrome, but I want Chrome as my default). It was getting more and more annoying as the days passed, because I would have to answer the question “No thanks” multiple times per day.

I didn’t think I had to use any of the options above (a bit technical for me, and I don’t think IT allows users to edit the registry). There used to be a simple option you could turn off, and most threads said it was under Internet Options, Programs. I looked several times and couldn’t find it where people said it was. Finally I found a comment saying that for Win8/IE11, the checkbox was now under Internet Options, Advanced, Browsing. Just uncheck “Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser.” Hopefully this comment will save someone else from wasting all the time I’ve wasted.

Command Prompt Internet Options

. Proxy servers are a type of server that relays requests from your computer to other servers on the Internet. Malicious software will often force Internet Explorer to change its proxy settings, sending all requests through a proxy server run by the malicious software's creator, and then block the user from changing the proxy settings back to normal. If you're locked out of the proxy settings menu by malware or for some other reason, one possible way to fix such a problem is to change the proxy settings through the command prompt using a series of registry edits. Please note that the command prompt cannot be pasted into with the CTRL + V shortcut.

Windows 10 Disable Command Prompt

You must right click the command prompt and click 'Paste.' Step Press the 'Enter' key. Step Replace 'proxyserveraddress' and 'proxyport' in the following line with the proxy server address and port, and then copy and paste it into the command prompt window: reg add 'HKCU Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings' /v ProxyServer /t REGSZ /d proxyserveraddress:proxyport /f To edit the line, you can first copy and paste it into notepad or another text editor, change the address and port, and then copy and paste it into the command prompt window from there. Step Press the 'Enter' key. The Internet Explorer proxy settings will then be enabled and set to whatever server and port you provided.

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