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Patapon 2 Us Save Files

Patapon 2 Us Save Files 4,0/5 2782 votes

The Patapon 3 Infection is a. Patapon 2 Patapon 3. Although it is said that there is a specfic name for a hacked save file 'Gzpy' a hacker can make.

  1. Patapon 2 Rom
  2. Patapon 2 Emulator
Patapon wiki

Hi, I recently bought Patapon 2 and I have read there is an option to load your savegame from Patapon 1 into Patapon 2 So you can begin the game with items and Ka-ching from the first game! I never found a guide or explanation how you can do this correctly. Aslo, the paper manual included in the box is not explaining this feature. I already tried following things:. Used the 'Load System Data' in the Patapon 2 beginning Screen Load complete, but when I start a game no items have been transferred.

Tried to copy a savegamfile from Patapon 1 into a Patapon 2-savegamefolder and then try the 'Continue' on Patapon 2 The Patapon 1 files is shown as a corrupt file. I played Patapon 1 on firmware 5.00 I recently updated my PSP into 5.03 Is it possible I need to resave my Patapon 1 because firmware has been updated? I do not know how to fix this, so if anyone can help me, it would be don-don-chaka-chak great!! Google is your best friend:). Here's quoting gongon2 on gamespot forums. Yes, the save file u had from patapon 1 can be carried over only japan to japan, euro to euro and lastly US to US version.


And the save file won't be able to load until u progress to a certain point (actually its the 1st time u enter the village and greeted by thte maiden or princess), from there u will be prompted to create a new file or to load from the patapon 1 saved file. Latest power iso 64 bit for windows 8. From what i know is that u get to keep all the items from tier 1 to 4 but no weapons or troops u have from patapon 1. So its only items, which means u get to create slightly better unit at the beginning. As for the money or kaching if u prefer that name it does not carried over to patapon 2.

So, start from scratch and save up. Personally I haven't tried it out, but I just finished Patapon 1 so am waiting a while before I play Patapon 2. I can now tell what the advantages are from loading from Patapon 1:. Money is transferred. Crafting items are transferred ( woods, irons, alloys, mytheerials. Everything from level 1 - 4 ). No weapons are transferred (.).

Patapon 2 Rom


No patapon army is transferred (.) Remarks (.) = No weapons are transferred but you can retrieve them slowly by playing the first hunting level when the weather is rain and lightning. If so, a treasure chest will be available, containing one of your weapons from the transferred Patapon1 File. I've already read devine and ancient weapons are not transferred (.) = Although no army is transferred, you can get benefits from your strong Patapon 1 army.

Patapon 2 Emulator

In the tree of life you will notice you will be able to create some strong patapon without needing the sublevels patapons ( Yes, Tree of life has massively changed, you need to create other forms before you can get the stronger ones ) I hope this helps for players who are doubting to transfer or not.

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