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S Primesense Nite Win32 Application

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Playing Kinect games is a really great experience. Programming for Kinect is even greater! Browsing the web, you can find many cool 'hacks' (, ) which allow Kinect be used by a PC rather than an XBOX.

How to Install Open. Kinect SDK 1. 8 + (windows 7/8) 3. Install Kinect for Windows SDKb. Install Open. PrimeSense - NITE for Windows, free. Aug 31, 2011 Installing Kinect Windows 7 64-bit. PrimeSense, the company behind Kinect. Openni-win32-) 3.

Via these hacks, we gain access to Kinect's cameras (color and depth), LED, accelerometer and motor. Obtaining both the raw and the depth image, it is easier to build Machine Vision applications. But the main problem remains: Kinect magic is its software and the device simply cannot give us all those body-tracking algorithms by itself.

Fortunately, PrimeSense, the company behind Kinect, released OpenNI framework and NITE middleware. This means that we can now have access to features such as real-time skeleton tracking, gesture recognition, wave detection and much more! OpenNI and NITE installation can be painful if not done properly.

Let's do it step by step: Step 0 Uninstall any previews drivers, such as CLNUI. Look at the end of this post if you want to see how you can have multiple drivers installed. Step 1.

Download and unzip. Open the unzipped folder and navigate to Bin folder. Run the msi Windows file. Drivers are now installed in your PC.

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Step 2 Download and install the latest stable or unstable from OpenNI website. Step 3 Download and install the latest stable or unstable (NITE) from OpenNI website. During installation, provide the following (free) PrimeSense key: 0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4= Step 4 Download and install the latest stable or unstable from OpenNI website. Both stable and unstable releases have worked for me. If you have trouble installing the unstable releases, just try the stable ones. Step 5.

Plug in your Kinect device and connect its USB port with your PC. Wait until the driver software is found and applied. Navigate to the Device Manager (Control Panel). You should see something like the following: Step 6 Navigate to C: Program Files OpenNI Samples Bin Release (or C: Program Files (x86) OpenNI Samples Bin Release) and try out the existing demo applications. Try the demos found in C: Program Files Prime Sense NITE Samples Bin Release (or C: Program Files (x86) Prime Sense NITE Samples Bin Release), too. If they work properly, then you are done! If they do not work, make sure that you have replaced the XML files I mentioned in step 5 with the ones I provided you.

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If the demos still do not work, try installing the stable version of OpenNI, middleware and hardware binaries. Personally, I have successfully installed OpenNI and NITE (both stable and unstable releases) in a 32-bit desktop and a 64-bit laptop following the methodology I described. Step 7 You have successfully installed Kinect in your Windows PC!

Read the documentation and familiarize yourself with the OpenNI and NITE API. You'll find the proper assemblies in:.

C: Program Files OpenNI Bin (or C: Program Files (x86) OpenNI Bin) and. C: Program Files Prime Sense NITE Bin (or C: Program Files (x86) Prime Sense NITE Bin) OpenNI is the primary assembly you'll need when developing Natural User Interfaces applications. C# tutorials on using the managed OpenNI.net libraries can be found in this blog, so stay tuned;-). Update Jun 12, 2011: Troubleshooting If you have followed the above guide and still have trouble viewing the demos, then try out the following:. If you are running a version of OpenNI older than, then you need to replace the XML files found under Program Files OpenNI Data and Program Files PrimeSense NITE Data with the corresponding ones found. If the demos do not run, then navigate to the Control Panel and open the Environment Variables panel.

Under 'System variables', find OPENNIBIN variable and replace C: Program Files OpenNI bin with C: Program Files OpenNI Bin (uppercase 'B') Installing multiple drivers Thanks to my friend (@), you can now have various Kinect drivers installed concurrently. Here's how to achieve this:. Open Device Manager. Right click Kinect Camera under PrimeSensor. Select 'Update driver software'. Select 'Browse my computer for driver software' and 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'. Select the driver of your preference (eg ).

You are done! Hey Pat and Mitrous, I had the same problem with the blank screen. I tried an experiment that worked for me: I ran the SensorKinect installer again.

Maybe there is a fight between the PrimeSense (non-Kinect) driver package and the Kinect-specific version. (Also, Vangos, I wasn't able to successfully run the current complied SensorKinect binary installer on my system, though I did have success using an older version that I found archived on someon's blog) (and also I think I now know how to just install the drivers directly).

Thank you everyone for your feedback. I really appreciate it. @Tom, thanks for commenting. Here are SensorKinect releases:. The latest one worked for me in both 32 and 64-bit computers. Here is another solution you may try if the tutorial does not work for you: - Omit step 1.

Install OpenNI. Navigate to C: Program Files OpenNI Driver and install dpinst-x86 or dpinst-amd4.exe. Install NIITE and replace the XML files. Also, make sure that you install stable or unstable releases (eg, I would not recommend installing OpenNI unstable and NITE stable, although it might work for someone). Vangos, I don't know if what you say above will work (which apparently indicates not installing modded 'SensorKinect' drivers) but I will tell you what just worked for me on my laptop (which had also had the blank screen issue): Eradicate all traces of all PrimeSense and OpenNI drivers Install OpenNI Install Nite install SensorKinect drivers replace XML files bingo In other words, I followed your original steps, except I did the SensorKinect hardware layer installation (your original step 1) last, and I left out your step 4 (or rather replaced it with step 1). The SensorKinect drivers are modded versions of the OpenNI hardware drivers. Makes sense that you wouldn't want to be intalling them over top of each other.

OpenNI (Version - May 7th 2012) - Website: Forum: Wiki: Binaries are available at: (The 'OpenNI Binaries' section) Sources are available at: or for unstable branch Release Notes: -. At the moment, the default is to compile the code with SSE3 support (this is also true for the supplied binaries). If you have a CPU without such support, please remove the sse compiler flags from the make files.

(A good hint for this error is that you encounter an 'illegal instructions' messages). MacOSX: Only OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and above with an Intel based CPU is currently supported. MacOSX: Drawing the depth/image maps via the mono.NET wrapper can be slow and will cause the FPS to drop. Build Notes: - Windows: Requirements: 1) Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 From: 2) Python 2.6+/3.x From: 3) PyWin32 From: Please make sure you download the version that matches your exact python version. 4) WIX 3.5 From: 5) JDK 6.0 From: You must also define an environment variable called 'JAVAHOME' that points to the JDK installation directory.

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For example: set JAVAHOME=c: Program Files (x86) Java jdk1.6.032 Optional requirements (To build the USB device driver): 1) Microsoft WDK From: The package already includes a precompiled and digitally signed 32/64 bit driver. Optional Requirements (To build the documentation): 1) Doxygen From: 2) GraphViz From: Building OpenNI: 1) Uninstall the previous version. 2) Go to the directory: 'Platform Win32 CreateRedist'. X86 32-bit - Run the script: 'RedistMaker.bat y 32 y'.

X64 64-bit - Run the script: 'RedistMaker.bat y 64 y'. This will compile and prepare the redist exe files that includes everything. 3) Install the exe you've just made which is located in Platform Win32 CreateRedist FinalXX OPENNI-WinXX-1.X.X.X.exe (XX being the number of bits: 32 or 64) The installer will also create the necessary environment variables (OPENNIxxx), add the DLLs to the system path and register the internal modules with NiReg. The visual studio solution is located in: Platform Win32 Build OpenNI.sln. When doing development it is recommended that you change the environment variables to point to your development directory instead of the default C: Program Files OpenNI.

(This can save you lots back and forth file copying.) Important: Please note that even though the directory is called Win32, you can also use it to compile it for 64-bit targets (Win64/AMD64/x64). Building the USB driver (Optional): Simply go into the directory 'OpenNI Platform Win32 Driver Build' and run the 'BuildAll.bat' script.

For your development convenience, you can also use the solution: 'Platform Win32 Driver Build psdrv3.sln' but official driver builds should only be made with the batch file above, that uses the proper DDK environment. Note: The driver build tool requires a system environment variable called 'DDKPATH' that points to the WDK installation dir (for example: 'c: WinDDK 7100.0.0'). To add an environment variable please follow these steps: Control Panel - System - Advanced - Environment Variables - New (at the 'System Variables' tab).

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